A Musical Night For Palestine
6:30 PM18:30

A Musical Night For Palestine

  • Southam Hall Library Road Ottawa, ON K1S (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A fundraising event for Palestine that will be hosted this Saturday December 2 at the Kailash Mital Theatre in Southam Hall, Carleton University, 6:30pm - 10:00pm.

A Musical Night for Palestine will feature singer Rim Benjannet who will be performing songs under a revolutionary theme, including songs by the likes of Sheikh Imam, Fairouz, Marcel Khalifa, Julia Boutros, Oumeima El Khalil, and others.

All proceeds will be donated toward humanitarian aid in Palestine

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-musical-night-for-palestine-tickets-704762763397?aff=erellivmlt&keep_tld=1

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National March For Palestine
1:00 PM13:00

National March For Palestine

Ceasefire Now | End Complicity with Israel | Lift the Seige on Gaza

Insaf is endorsing the national march to Ottawa to free Palestine!

On November 25th at 1pm, the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians, Labour for Palestine, and the International League of People's Struggle in Canada will march with tens of thousands of people from across Canadian cities on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to demand an end to Canadian complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and colonization of Palestine. Israel has killed over 12,000 Palestinians; and not only does the Canadian government refuse to call for a ceasefire, they continue to sell weapons that enable Israel's massacres.

Join us in Ottawa November 25th at 1pm to march together to demand:

1️⃣An immediate ceasefire
2️⃣An end to all Canadian complicity with Israel
3️⃣Lifting the siege on Gaza

We call on Palestinians, Arabs, and people of conscience from all across Canada to make plans to travel to Ottawa on this day for what is sure to be a historic march: together, a people's chorus becomes impossible for the Canadian government to ignore.

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