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October 7 - Calls to Action (Ongoing)

Share Your Voice - On-Campus Sentiments for Palestine

Engage in shaping the on-campus dialogue about Palestine. Share your sentiments, whether you are Palestinian or a supporter, through this form designed to capture the collective voice at the University of Ottawa. Your input contributes to fostering an inclusive and supportive community. Link:

Take a Stand - Sign the Petition for Justice in Gaza

Join us in making a difference. Sign this petition to demand accountability from the University of Ottawa regarding the ongoing crisis in Gaza. Advocate for divestment from corporations supporting the occupation, a comprehensive review of academic ties, and a heartfelt acknowledgement of the Palestinian struggle. Your signature is a critical step towards justice and solidarity with those affected. Act now to be a part of meaningful change:

Earlier Event: September 29
Movie Night Part 1
Later Event: October 30
INSAF x OSLG Book Club